This is an ever-expanding list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) regarding "Penelope Teaches Times Tables."
Q - When will it launch?
A -
It launched in December of 2024.
Q - Where can I get the app?
A - Here:
Apple App Store
Google Play store
Q - Who made the app?
A -
There is an origin story behind the app here:
Penelope Teaches Me How To Do The Math.
In a nutshell: The app was inspired by my daughter, and the vision
for it is mine and hers combined. BUT! Without
my backers this app
would not have been possible.
Furthermore, I would like to thank my testers, especially the little ones (who get mentioned in the app itself, if you
can find the "Secret Credits," which is a hidden
Easter egg buried in the app).
Finally, Thank You to Alyssa "Twist" Light (facebook page) and her team, who helped considerably with
Q - Is there a "boy" option?
A - There will be in version 2.0! I worked on
this for 7 months, pouring my heart and soul into it,
and wanted to include a boy character, and
even some different animals, and... and... well,
tons of other stuff. But as a sole developer
it was not possible to get evertything
I wanted in version 1.0.
If the app has some success, Yes! There will be
an upgrade available that has a boy, and much,
much more. (Please send me your ideas! My email
addy is in the footer.)
One thing it will never have is ads or tracking of
any sort! EVER!